
Warmer Winter Wear

I love mild January days where a chunky knit is just enough to keep warm.

Happy Monday!



2018: Goals

coat // top // leggings // boots // hat // aviators

Hello, and  happy (belated) 2018!

We made it through the holidays - probably the best holiday season to date in my book. It was so much fun seeing the wonder of Christmas through the eyes of my daughter, and this was the first year that she was really aware of it all. It was truly magical.

Since then I've basically been in hibernation. The weather in NJ has been brutal, like hard-to-even-leave-the-house, brutal, and that's coming from a native New Jerseyan. So we've been snuggling up inside, baking, playing dress up, watching lots of Disney movies and just reflecting/making plans for the new year.

I'm really excited for several projects that my husband and I have on the horizon and to go along with those bigger items, came up with some smaller, achievable goals for this year:

  • less tech time. Obvious, and I'm sure on most people's lists
  • improve my morning routine. with my daughter in pre-school three days a week now, it's imperative that I be as prepared as possible to get everyone out of the house without a hitch
  • find an easy, quick workout routine & stick with it. still looking - suggestions welcome
  • read a book a month. again, suggestions welcome
  • be more kind. 
Have you set any 2018 goals?

Happy Friday Eve!
